Playtesting RPGs

Over the years, I’ve participated in playtests for a number of games, often as part of ORC. It’s a good community to run such games in as we have a variety of different gamer age groups – from younger gamers just starting out in their first RPG, to those who first played D&D in the …

Where have all the GMs gone?

It’s a little ironic that up until recently, the Open Roleplaying Community Edinburgh ( suffered from a lack of players and a venue. Now we’ve got plenty of players and venues… and no one to run RPGs 🙁 Seriously. That’s how much it has changed recently: from what used to be lots of people wanting …

Dawn and Development of the (un)Dead

I’m feeling fairly fired up creatively speaking. I’m planning to get a lot of development work done this weekend for The Secret Fire, the new RPG that I’m helping develop. Certain shackles have been released (the game won’t be OGL any more) – so the D20 side of things is less restrictive, and we can …

Ruminations & Realisations

As you might have heard, my life has taken an interesting turn recently. As a result of me becoming involved in the The Secret Fire Beta test I blogged about previously, I’ve also become involved in helping to develop the game in some small part. Without breaking an NDA, I’m actually enjoying the creative process, …